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The mission came against the backdrop of a preparatory meeting of the Global Alliance on Media and Gender’s second General Assembly.

From 15th to 17th of September 2016, the Global Alliance on Media and Gender International Steering Committee convened at the U.N Headquarters in New York. This meeting was held as part of preparations for the second General Assembly of this young institution created in 2013, in Bangkok, under the auspices of UNESCO.

Mrs. Evelyne Faye, head of Marketing and Communication Department at the AUB, represented the Union at the discussions in New York. Also present were Mrs. Colleen Lowe Morna, outgoing president of GAMAG, Mrs. Corletha Ollivierra, outgoing Secretary General of GAMAG, Mrs Alison Meston, representative of UNESCO, Mrs. Elena Tarifa, representative of the Europe region. Deborah Brown came to represent the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) while Mrs. Albana Shala was there on behalf of the International Co-operation Partner (IPDC). The works reported by Joseph Ammu, were also attended by Aimee Montiel, Director of the Research Committee, Sarah Macharia,  Research Vice Chair 2 of the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), and many experts.

For three days, participants reflected on the various issues that will be on the agenda of the General Assembly whose date is yet to be set. Among other issues: to develop a draft three-year strategy framework (2017-2020) based on clear, short and medium term objectives; discuss the draft GAMAG code of ethics, review the draft GAMAG constitution; review the draft sustainability strategy; review the GAMAG mission and vision statement proposals.
In welcoming the various participants, Mrs. Colleen Lowe Morna emphasized the need for them to work for a better visibility of the Alliance in their areas of competence. GAMAG also intends to create its own website.
The second day’s work began with a short visit from Nanette Braun, Head of the Communication and Advocacy Division of UN-WOMEN. She provided an overview and clarification on the two day forum on Media Assessment standards held September 13-14 and organized by UN-WOMEN. Some members of the GAMAG Ex-Co participated.

In the New York discussions, each delegate was asked to compile an inventory of activities in her region. In Africa, for example, it was agreed that gender focal points should work closely with the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) for a stronger presence of GAMAG on the continent. From Paris, Mr. Tim said via Skype, that the electoral system within the Alliance will be integrated directly to the website to be filled. GAMAG would rely on marketing by including its logo on the websites of its partners. Communication within the Alliance will be enhanced through the creation of a platform for sharing information between members. 

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